


The magnificent African lion and undisputed king of the jungle, is the largest of Africa's big cats. Male lions weigh between 150-225 kg and females range from 120-150 kg with a lifespan between 10-14 years. Males reach maturity at 3 years and peak at 4-5 years when they are ready to take over a pride.

While sleeping during most of the day, lions prefer to use the cover of night to come out and play. To increase your chances of spotting lions out on a hunt while on you are on a safari, a game drive during the early morning hours or evening would be the saver bet.

Lions are the only social cats, living in cohesive groups called prides. Living in prides helps lions survive in difficult times and is particularly beneficial for the vulnerable young cubs that need protection. The pride consists of two groups; 4 to 12 related females and their cubs, and a group of 1 to 6 males known as a coalition who mate with the adult females. The lionesses form the heart of the pride whiles the lions may be replaced regularly. Whenever game is ample prides are territorial. With limited game the pride may split up into smaller groups roaming freely for a few days defending their large turf. Lions don't like competition and frequently attack and kill fellow predators like leopards, hyenas and cheetahs.

Lions and lionesses mark their populated territory with strong smelling urine and loud roaring. The prides aggressive roaring can be heard from miles away, powerful sounds travelling through the African night sky

The nimble and fast lionesses are the caretakers and seasoned hunter of the pride. The lionesses take down a variety of prey animals including gazelles, wildebeest, buffaloes and even elephants in certain parts of Africa. The larger males are responsible for the safekeeping of the pride and their territory. Upon the successful completion of the hunt, the males are the first to feed of the kill, followed by the lionesses and lastly the. Feeding time is followed by a blissful, snuggling rest under the trees protective shading.

The mating behaviour of lions are legendary with a couple frequently copulating (up to forty times a day!) and over several days. From time to time the female may mate with other males in the pride resulting in cubs of the same litter having different fathers. Pride females usually coordinate their reproductive cycles and collaborate in the raising and nursing of the cubs.

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